Questions about being a teenager with PID
We want to run some local fundraising events (such as a charity auction, golf tournament, beer or wine tasting) to raise funds for primary immunodeficiency research and treatment. Please contact us if you would like to help.
Kids’ day
We are interested in setting up a “Kids’ day” event in the Bay Area for children with PI. If you’re interested in helping set this event up, please contact us.
We’re interested in setting up local camps in the Bay Area for PI patients. Contact us if you’re interested in helping to set something up.
Lifestyle suggestions for patients with PID
Sibling issues for PID patients
Parenting issues for PID
Job issues
Job issues faced by patients with primary immune deficiencies
School issues
School issues for primary immune deficiency
Dr. Butte spoke at IDF Patient Education Meeting
Dr. Manish Butte spoke at the Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) Patient Education Meeting in Millbrae, California, today on the topic of autoimmunity and primary immune deficiencies. Dr. Jennifer Puck (UCSF) and Dr. Mort Cowan (UCSF) also spoke about newborn screening and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, respectively.
The slides from his talk are here: autoimmunity in PID slides